Rendering of Gothic House. A Group Collaboration - Sketch-up Model by Emily Williamson Ibrahim.
Working with Professor Maurice Cox and other graduate students, Emily as led the creation of a short and long term plan to restore and renovate Gothic House, an historic colonial monument in Cape Coast, Ghana. The project included an extensive survey of existing architectural conditions, in-depth conversations with local stakeholders (ie: Metropolitan Assembly, Oguaa Traditional Council, and Ghana Heritage Conservation Trust), and a final proposal that included architectural programming, conceptual diagrams, perspectives, and phased planning.
Authorship (Academic - UVA): A collaboration under the direction of Professor Maurice Cox; Emily Williamson, student leader.
Rendering of the Interior of Gothic House. A Group Collaboration - Sketch-up Model by Emily Williamson Ibrahim.
Rendering of the Courthouse. A Group Collaboration - Sketch-up Model by Emily Williamson Ibrahim.
Rendering of the Great Hall. A Group Collaboration - Sketch-up Model by Emily Williamson Ibrahim.
Axonometric Drawing of First Floor Plan. Drawing by Emily Williamson Ibrahim.
Construction Photographs at Gothic House. Photographer Unknown.